Meet the Staff
Staff structure 2023/2024
Senior Leadership Team
- Mrs C Dodsworth – Headteacher, Primary Trust Development, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Teaching and Learning Lead, Art Coordinator, Y6 Maths teacher
- Mrs V Cornwell – Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, EYFS Lead, SENDCO, Nursery Teacher, PHSCE Coordinator
Teaching Staff
- Miss R Jackson – Reception – (ECT)
- Miss E Anderson – Reception – (ECT)
- Miss Y Jivraj Y1/Y2 (Assessment and Data, Curriculum content Lead, Literacy and Science Lead)
- Mr S Singh- Y1/Y2 (Geography)
- Mr L Banner – Y1/Y2 (ECT)
- Miss A Longthorne – Y3/Y4 (ECT)
- Mrs S Dickenson Y3/Y4
- Mr L Sheard Y3/Y4 (PE Lead, Computing Lead)
- Miss L Simpson Y5//Y6 (ECT)
- Miss F Brady – Y5/Y6 (Maths/History Lead)
- Mrs Z Dodds – Y5/Y6 (Music)
- Mrs K Dunn – PPA (RE/Community Liaison Lead)
Support Staff
- Mrs M Bedford
- Mrs A Richards
- Mrs J Waters
- Mrs D Lamb
- Mrs A Hutchinson
- Mrs J White HLTA
- Mrs T Murray
- Miss R Hastie
- Miss A Gibson
- Miss T Wales
- Miss J Fagan
- Miss J Nelson (EYFS Apprentice)
- Miss G Hetherington (KS2 TA Apprentice)
Office Staff
- Vacancy (School Business Manager)
- Mrs C Fitzgerald (Secretary)
- Mrs S Richardson (Receptionist)
Family/Pupil Liaison Worker
- Miss Kelly Jordan (Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead/Attendance)
After School Club Supervisor
- Miss A Gibson
- Mr G McAllister
Cleaning Staff
- Mrs A Tate (Lead Supervisor)
- Miss K Atkinson
- Mrs L Bradley
- Mrs K Hudson
- Mrs L Wills
- Mrs D Hodkinson-Hickey
Supervisory Assistants
- Mrs J Weldon (Lead Supervisor)
- Mrs L Bradley
- Mrs A Tate
- Mrs K Hudson
- Mrs P Britton
- Mrs D Hall
- Mrs S Otterwell
- Mrs K Robson
Kitchen Staff (Taylor Shaw)
- Mrs N Stubbs
- Miss K Atkinson
- Mrs M Taylor