Chilton Academy & Nursery

Chilton Academy & Nursery

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County Durham
DL17 0PT

01388 720255

Reading and Phonics

Reading and Phonics

Reading and Phonics

At Chilton Academy, we believe that learning to read is a vital skill children will develop whilst they are at school.

Reading teaches children about the world around them – through reading, they learn about people, places and events outside their own experience. Reading improves a child’s vocabulary, leads to more highly-developed language skills and improves the child’s ability to write well.  At Chilton Academy, we believe that every child can develop into confident, fluent readers and we ensure the teaching of reading is a high priority in every class in school.  We have a range of approaches across school to ensure this philosophy is aspired to by all adults and pupils to enable pupils to Keep Up not Catch Up.

All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society. For this reason, we put as much energy as we possibly can into making sure that every single child learns to read as quickly and proficiently as possible. More than this, we want your child to acquire a genuine enjoyment and passion for reading. This is why we work hard to make sure pupils develop a love of literature – as well as simply learning to read.

We begin to lay the foundations to encourage reading in Nursery where children start to access daily phonics sessions.  They take part in ‘Time for Rhyme’ sessions using Phase 1 of ‘Letters and Sounds’ and begin on their McKie Mastery Power Phonics journey which embeds the essential mechanics of phonics and early reading throughout Early Years and into Key Stage One.

Your child’s reading development is strengthened by carefully chosen texts which link directly to the pupils’ phonic ability.  The aim of home reading is to promote a love of literature using books which children can read fluently.  High-quality texts are sent home for parents to share with their children to expose them to more challenging language and story lines.

Long Term Plan

phonics map

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